Dave Michaels





Favorite Heroes: 

“The original Captain Marvel” aka Shazam, Superman, Green Lantern, Hawkeye, Spider-Man

Origin Story: 

Dave is a total film nerd— uh, cinephile.

He enjoys directors like Billy Wilder and Stanley Kubrick, and drops more Hitchcock references than anyone you’ll ever meet. And nobody appreciates a Roger Ebert movie review more than this guy.

He studied film at Hofstra University and went on to work locations in several big budget TV shows and movies, like 30 Rock, The Wolf of Wall Street, and The Amazing Spider-Man. Yes, he has an IMDB page. No, we're not going to link it.

Bryan and Dave met through their mutual friend “It’s Just Kevin” and bonded over their favorite podcasts. It wasn’t long before they were making plans to start one of their own, with concepts like “Tourney Men” and “Beer me a movie.” They finally struck gold with THE CAPED PODCASTERS!

Dave brings his film experience and superior production knowledge to the table, backed up by his newfound enjoyment of comic books. He tends to lean more toward the DC side of things. Also, he edits the shit out of these episodes.