Episode 113 - Hot Fuzz (2007)

We're continuing on our Edgar Wright month-long journey with the second installment of the Cornetto Trilogy: Hot Fuzz.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are back, joined by a perfectly slimy Timothy Dalton for this hysterical homage to buddy cop action flicks.

Listen now. It's for the greater good.
(The greater good)


*Hot Fuzz © 2007 Universal Studios.
Hot Fuzz® and its associated titles, logos, and characters are registered trademarks of Working Title Film, Ltd. This production is not sponsored, endorsed by or affiliated with Working Title Film, Ltd. or Universal Pictures, or any of the subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third party licensors thereof.


Episode 114 - The World’s End (2013)


Episode 112 - Shaun of the Dead (2004)